Parkside Dental Care - Newmarket

General Dentistry in Newmarket

We offer everything from standard teeth cleanings and exams to comprehensive full-mouth restorations, ensuring outstanding care and results every step of the way.
Call 289-210-5030

Comprehensive Dental Care from Start to Finish

Preserve the natural lifespan of your teeth and ensure optimal oral health with regular dental care. Prompt visits to your dentist and early intervention when decay first appears can prevent pain, discomfort, and unexpected costs. Whether it’s your teeth, gums, or overall oral health that needs attention, our restorative dental services can get you back on track and feeling great again. Emphasizing general dentistry means putting your overall health at the forefront. Here’s what you can expect from our preventative and restorative care:


Preventative Care:
  • Enjoy brilliantly clean teeth that appear whiter even without whitening treatments.
  • Utilize X-rays to catch potential issues when they are still manageable.
  • Maintain healthy gums that are free from itching or bleeding.
  • Use composite fillings to stop cavities before they expand.
  • Experience reduced sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Actively reverse and prevent the progression of tooth decay.
  • Prolong the effectiveness and life of dental prosthetics and appliances.
Rescue your natural teeth from infections.
  • Fill in gaps with replacements that look and feel natural.
  • Restore damaged teeth to their original condition.
  • Benefit from tailor-made prosthetics and dental appliances.
  • Improve your ability to eat, quality of sleep, and overall life enjoyment.

Our General Dentistry services

Composite Fillings

Dental fillings serve to prevent cavities from progressing and causing harm to teeth. With white fillings, the material blends in with the natural colour of your teeth, resulting in a seamless and comfortable look and feel.

Dental Bonding

Whether you're dealing with chipped, cracked, or discoloured teeth, dental bonding can transform your smile in a single visit.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge not only enhances the aesthetics and well-being of your oral cavity but also rejuvenates it by concealing gaps through the utilization of a synthetic tooth, which finds support from a combination of dental implants, your own natural teeth, or a blend of the two.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns play a vital role in restorative dentistry, offering significant enhancements in the strength, aesthetics, and durability of your teeth.

Dental Extractions

Whether you need a routine tooth extraction or a more intricate dental surgery, tooth removal is a commonly performed procedure associated with minimal pain or discomfort

Dental Implants

An implant serves as a replacement for a natural tooth root, and it's finalized with a restoration like a dental crown. This combination aids in the restoration of your teeth's functionality, appearance, and natural sensation.


Complete or partial dentures are dental devices designed to substitute multiple or all missing teeth.

Root Canal

Root canal treatments are performed with precision, speed, and often minimal discomfort, providing prompt relief and preserving your natural tooth.

Teeth Cleanings

Routine dental checkups and cleanings are crucial in preventing gum disease and tooth decay. To avoid unexpected dental discomfort and unplanned expenses, it's recommended to schedule these appointments every 6 to 8 months.

The Value of Early Intervention and Consistent Dental Care

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and we truly believe in this when it comes to dental care. Your health and happiness are paramount, which is why we advocate for routine care and timely intervention. By maintaining the health of your teeth, gums, jaw, and tongue today, and addressing issues as soon as they arise, you can avoid severe discomfort, pain, and unexpected costs down the line. This commitment to early care is what keeps our patients smiling.

Preserve Your Natural Teeth

Did you know that cavities are the leading cause of tooth loss among young adults and gum disease among older adults? Establishing strong oral hygiene habits at home is essential. During your regular check-ups, we can detect the earliest signs of gum disease and decay, allowing us to take action before these conditions worsen.

Economize Your Dental Expenses

Routine teeth cleanings and exams are not only affordable but also predictable expenses that can easily be included in your budget. Early treatments for signs of decay, like composite fillings, are cost-effective and represent a wise investment in your long-term dental health. Conversely, delaying care often leads to more complex, and consequently more expensive, treatments.

Enjoy Uncomplicated Oral Health

One of the best aspects of optimal oral health is that it’s something you don’t even have to think about. Without any aches, inflammation, or all-consuming toothaches, you’re free to enjoy any food without worry and smile confidently. Well-maintained teeth not only look naturally beautiful but are also comfortable and reliable.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Parkside Dental Care - Newmarket

Winner Of The Three Best Rated Award

Dr. Chiang is the winner of the 3 Best Rated award for Best Dentists in Newmarket.

Frequently Asked Questions

A routine check-up includes a teeth cleaning and an exam. Having your teeth cleaned and examined regularly will remove stuck-on-plaque and tartar that builds up even with routine brushing and flossing and will allow the dental team to monitor your general oral health with special attention to problem areas.
Leftover food particles, especially caught in hard to reach places, become a feast for the bacteria that live in our mouths. The bacteria multiply and produce an acidic byproduct that builds up on teeth and weakens enamel. Tooth decay can be accelerated with a diet high in sugar or acidic food and drinks like coffee or soda pop.
Some people are just genetically predisposed to have more cavities than others. For example, sometimes they are simply born more susceptible to cavity-causing bacteria or they have overcrowded teeth that are difficult to clean. The best thing you or anyone can do is to focus on having great oral hygiene and eating habits at home to stack the cards in your favour.
Yes. The best part about fillings is that they prevent further tooth decay and they prevent future pain. Getting a filling now is in your best interest while the problem is still small and easily managed.
Tooth decay can be prevented and sometimes even reversed with routine cleanings. Teeth that are showing early signs of decay can be treated with fluoride and composite fillings. A tooth that has become infected can still be salvaged with a root canal. Teeth that are badly decayed can be capped with a beautiful and natural-looking dental crown or resurfaced with dental veneers. As a last resort, teeth that are very badly decayed may be extracted and the function of your bite and smile can be restored with an implant or bridge. There are many treatment options available depending on your exact circumstances.
Preventative teeth cleaning and a routine exam are encouraged and completely safe. The goal here is to prevent the onset of oral infection and to treat dental symptoms that sometimes appear during pregnancy. In the event of a dental emergency such as an infection, more invasive procedures, like a root canal, may be required. Elective procedures such as teeth whitening should be postponed until after the baby arrives.

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    Parkside Dental Care - Newmarket

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